Bible Passage
Jesus Is Always Near (Mark 10:35-45)

Today is the 21st Sunday after Pentecost.  During Pentecost, we grow closer to God and closer to one another. There are 5 Sundays left in the season of Pentecost.


In today’s gospel, Jesus is traveling with his disciples.  Two of them, James and John, have a question for Jesus.  They ask Jesus if they could sit next to him in heaven – one on his right and one on his left.

Watch the video to hear how Jesus answered them:



Jesus told James and John that everyone has a special place in heaven.  He told them that no one gets a place that is more important than anyone else’s.  Everyone is important in God’s family!  Jesus is always with us, whether here on earth or in heaven!


Jesus gathered his disciples together and told them that the best way to serve him was by serving others.  He reminded them that he came to help others and he wanted them to do the same.


Jesus invites us to serve others in his name.  Jesus invites us to help others in his name.


Sometimes we do that by sharing what we have like when we donate food to a food pantry.  Sometimes we serve others in Jesus’ name by visiting people who are lonely or in the hospital.  Sometimes we serve by cleaning our room.  Sometimes we serve by being kind and being a friend to someone who needs one.


Jesus is always with us, when we serve others, when we are awake, when we are asleep, and even someday when we are in heaven!



  • What are some ways that you can serve others?
  • How do you know Jesus is always with you?
  • What can help you remember that Jesus is always with you?



All For You.  Go Fish Guys.



Crosses are a reminder of Jesus.  Jesus died on a cross and then three days later rose to new life.  The cross can remind us that Jesus is always near.  Watch this video for an idea of a cross that you can make to keep to remind you that Jesus is always near:



Watch the story The Spiffiest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.  Jesus reminds his disciples that he came to serve and he invites us to serve others as well.  In this story, George serves the animals in the same way Jesus invites us to serve others.



Closing Prayer

God, we thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus, who is always near us…on earth and in heaven.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  There will be a new one for each Sunday as we continue through this COVID wilderness.  Contact him at [email protected].