Synod Assembly Recap
by Pastor Dan Fugate
The Indiana-Kentucky Synod held its first-ever online Assembly June 11-12, 2021. We met under the theme “We Are Called.”
The Assembly began with worship on Friday evening, June 11, with Service of the Word from All Creation Sings. It was led live by people from across the synod. Bishop William O. Gafkjen presided and preached at the service. During the service, Bishop Bill Gafkjen declared Roots of Life Lutheran Community a duly organized and constituted congregation of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The offering from the service was designated for the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Future Church Fund. More than $3500 was given at the Assembly and immediately after through electronic means and by mailing contributions to the Synod Office. Donations continue to be received. The worship was followed by a time of fellowship that more than 60 people joined.