Bible Passage
2nd Sunday after Epiphany (John 2:1-11)


In our gospel for today, Jesus and his mother Mary are at a wedding.  Mary noticed that there was no more wine.  She knew that the bride and groom would be embarrassed that the wine was gone before the party was over.  Mary asked Jesus to do something about it.  Jesus didn’t want to.

Watch the video to find out what happened next:

video used with permission from Kidwise.

Mary called the people who were serving at the party over and told them to listen to Jesus.  Jesus looked around and he saw six large stone jars that were empty.  He said to fill the stone jars with water.  Those who were serving at the party listened to Jesus and filled those stone jars with water, right up to the very top.  They didn’t know why Jesus wanted them to do it, but they did what he said, just like May had asked them to.


Jesus said to take a pitcher out of one of the stone jars and taste it.  When they did that, they discovered that it wasn’t water anymore, but it was wine.  In fact, it was the best wine anyone had ever tasted!


Jesus changed water into wine that day at a wedding in the city of Cana.  It was a miracle.  But it was just the first of many miracles that Jesus would perform.  We know that Jesus that is both human, the son of Mary, but also God, God’s only Son.  We know that Jesus is able to do amazing things, more amazing than turning water into wine…in fact, we know that Jesus loves us and forgives us and is always with us.  That’s something for which we can always be thankful!



  • How would you have felt if you had been at the wedding when Jesus turned water into wine?
  • What amazing thing do you know Jesus has done?
  • How can you share the good news of Jesus’ love with others?



Jesus Loves Me.  Go Fish Guys.  (Go ahead and do the motions!)


Print out and then cut out two of the jug outlines below.  Color one of them purple or red to symbolize the color of wine.  Leave the other one white to symbolize water.  Glue them to a stick or straw.  As you turn the stick or straw, you can turn water into wine.



Weddings are big events with lots of details.  Mary was worried when she saw that the wine had run out.  Mary knew exactly what to do about her worry, she asked Jesus and he turned water into wine.

Sometimes, however, we don’t know what to do about our worry.  Sometimes, in fact, our worry can make it hard for us to do anything at all.  Click on the link below and hear the story of a girl who had some trouble knowing what to do with her worries until her teacher helped figure it out.  The story is Wilma Jean the Worry Machine by Julie Cook.


Closing Prayer

Jesus, we thank you that you are always with us and that you forgives us and love us.  When we worry, help us remember that you are with us.  When we are enjoying good times, help us remember that you are always with us.  Help us share the good news of your love with others.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  There will be a new one for each Sunday as we continue through this COVID wilderness.  Contact him at [email protected].