Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)
As a small child at bedtime, I sometimes rested my head on my mom or dad’s shoulder after a busy day. Listening to the quiet beat of their hearts and the soft hush of their breaths, I felt sheltered and peaceful in the growing darkness as I drifted off to sleep.
During Advent, winter deepens into its longest nights. Nature withdraws further into dormancy as the Earth leans away from the warming sun. Perhaps as an antidote to the increasing cold and darkness,we create festive activities that keep us distracted from these fast-falling nights. Yet, Advent is meant to be a time of early darkness, of mystery and waiting…waiting for peace.
Peace is the heartbeat of God. Hear God’s promise in the resurrected Jesus for whom we wait; “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. He breathed on them and said…, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22 NRSVUE)
In prayer, we connect to God’s own breath – the Holy Spirit. Despite war and worldwide conflicts casting deeper shadows on our world, prayer helps light a way; in the growing darkness, prayer can shelter a troubled spirit and bring comfort.
In prayer, rest your head on God’s shoulder. Listen and pray, breathe and rest. As you wait, preparing for Christ’s birth in the darkness of winter, may the peace of God, steady and as assuring as a heartbeat, bring you comfort and rest. May the Lord of peace give you peace and be with you all.
Prayer: God of peace, as the days shorten and our winter evenings lengthen, keep us focused on peace. Bring your peace to our lives and bring light and peace to all peoples over the world. Amen.
Lette – Inspire. Invite. Ignite.
Resurrection Lutheran Church, Marion, IN