Stirring Spirit
In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. Acts 1:1-2 (New Revised Standard Version)
“Look what they’re doing,” I said to my husband, struck by the guiding principles that this church I had never heard of, Faith Lutheran of Logansport, had on their website. They probably didn’t think those principles would one day be read, in the middle of a pandemic, by a prospective pastor in Illinois.
They said they listened to and for the Holy Spirit. Hmm, interesting. I knew God was up to something. And it wasn’t isolated. The Spirit was stirring down the road at St. Peter’s in Camden, too. Here is how the church describes themselves: “Walking with Jesus, Sharing God’s Love.” Hmm.
And what did they have to say to a prospective minister? “Our Pastor will have double the fun and double the love.” Who were these people who dared to speak so boldly of love? Interesting again. Sometimes just a few words testify to the Holy Spirit’s powerful stirring. We see this at the very beginning of Acts, a book describing how the Spirit worked through the disciples, spreading the church worldwide, and bringing people to faith. Jesus gives the Spirit to his disciples, and the match is lit.
Theophilus means friend of God in Greek. It might be a specific person or any follower of Jesus. The author passes Jesus’ story on to us and we do the same in turn, stirring each other to faith and action. The Stirring Spirit takes our efforts and multiplies them, reaching people across time and space in ways we can’t imagine. I’m proof, testifying to you, dear reader.
Prayer: God of love, help us to notice where your Spirit is stirring, that we might take part in your work. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Kristen – Cohort 3: Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
Faith Lutheran Church, Logansport
Permission is given to distribute freely. These devotions are available on the IN-KY ELCA website and are appearing on our Facebook page daily during Advent.