Renewing Spirit
If the Spirit is the source of our life, we must also allow the Spirit to direct every aspect of our lives. Galatians 5:25 (The Passion Translation)
When I heard this passage, I thought of these lyrics from the song “Begin with the End in Mind” by Lecrae:
You share the Gospel, that’s cool what you do that for?
Got a brand new life, tell me, who that for?
Both this passage and the lyrics above remind me that this life God gives us is meant to be shared in a way that points back to the love and life we have received. Unfortunately, this is not always the way I use this gift. I know that my words and actions are not always building others (or myself) up in love. Despite the breath of the Spirit filling my lungs and sharing with me all that is needed for me to move and live, I disregard this source of life.
For some reason, the chaos and turbulence of life pull me in, and I react out of pain, anger, and hurt in ways that only perpetuate those things I wish were not my experience to begin with. The good news is that even when this happens and I find my life is not being directed by the Spirit, the Spirit continues to offer life. At any moment, I can remember this truth – that my life is sustained by the Spirit – and use the gift of my life to point to God’s love again.
This Christmas, may we all remember this gift of life the Spirit has wrapped for us and placed under the tree of the cross.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for sending your Renewing Spirit to be our source of life. Help us follow your Spirit’s beckoning as we seek to use this precious gift you have given us to celebrate and share the love you have revealed to us through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Daryl – Leadership and Cohort 4: Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
Calvary Lutheran Church, Angola, IN