[The angel said to her,] “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. Luke 1:37-38 (New Revised Standard Version)
“All things are possible with God.” Growing up in and around church all my life, I have heard this statement often. I believe in the statement. But we pray for things, stuff, all the time and may never receive. Example; we pray for a new car and do not receive, but the neighbor gets a new car. Who is God listening to?
One year, I spent wastefully over the Christmas holidays. Soon after the holidays, I realized I did not have sufficient funds left to complete college registration for the second semester. I talked to friends, professors, counselors, school employees and others with knowledge of financing education without a solution. I was preparing to stay home and get a job during the first semester. “My” plans included going to summer school and carrying 18 hours in the fall to catch up with my class.
With prayer, and God’s direction, things turned out differently. While explaining my dilemma to a friend, he suggested I could register with a promise to pay tuition with my income tax refund check in April. It wasn’t that simple but true. God walked with me thru the process while I registered successfully. I received my income tax check timely and paid my outstanding balance with the administration.
Prayer: Father, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for a wonderful family, church, and friends. Bless us with your peace and love.
Wondering While Waiting: Describe a time when you felt something was insurmountable. How did God lead you through it?
Florzell – Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
Bethel Lutheran Church, Gary, IN