What great images these are for our companion synod relationships with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile (IELCH) and the Batak Protestant Church (HKBP) in Indonesia. The images suggest equality, mutuality, dialogue, respect, and going the distance along side one another.
They chase away less helpful, even unfaithful, suggestions of colonialism, paternalism, one-sidedness, or heavy-handedness. The good people of the IELCH and the HKBP are our companions on the journey of service to the reign of God.
Like the ancient companions walking the road to Emmaus, as we accompany one another we discover the risen Christ in our midst.
The IELCH consists of about 3,000 members in 12 congregations. The HKBP has more than three million members in hundreds of congregations. The Indiana-Kentucky Synod is somewhere in between…right where we belong as we travel together sharing the light of Christ.
1. Make a banner as a gift for a congregation in our companion synods
2. Do a Global Mission Worship Service. See resources.
3. Sing songs that come from our companion synods
4. Pinpoint on a map ELCA missionaries
5. Pray for mission work daily
6. Learn about another country in the world
8. Become an ELCA Missionary
9. Give to the ELCA Malaria Campaign10. Give to World Hunger
11. Attend a Glocal event.
12. Pray for people around the world using Prayer Ventures
13. Invite a global speaker to your congregation for a global Sunday
14. Order a country packet on your favorite country
15. Create a Global Mission bulletin board
16. Highlight our synod missionaries and support them
17. Assemble school and health kits or make a quilt for Lutheran World Relief
18. Attend cross cultural events in your local area
19 .Read the “Hand in Hand” blog.
20. Have a global meal for the women of your congregation
21. Look for global information everyday on TV and in the news
22. Use Global Mission materials under the Education tab for Sunday School
23. Order free Global Mission resources
24. Show a Global Video