Global Hymns

This year (2012) at the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly, the Worship Committee focused on using global  hymnody. Our hope was to demonstrate that these hymns are both singable and available. The following is a list of all the hymns used at the Gathering and Sending Eucharists which can be classified as “global.”
ELCA Glocal Musicians at the 2012 I-K Synod Assembly



All the numbers refer to Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW).

ELW Title
172 Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
197 O Lamb of God
247 Come, Now, O Prince of Peace
341 Now Behold the Lamb
364 Christ Has Arisen
491 Come, Let Us Eat
523 Let Us Go Now to the Banquet
525 You Are Holy
529 Jesus, We Are Gathered
535 Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises
538 The Lord Now Send Us Forth
708 Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
725 When the Poor Ones
846 Amen, We Praise Your Name
875 Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord