Mission Fest Guidelines

29th Annual Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly – June 9-11, 2016

Century Center – South Bend, Indiana


Spirit Filled. Spirit Sent.

+ Allocation of Space in Synod Assembly Mission Fest +


Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly

Adopted by the IN-KY Synod Council January 24, 2009 (updated Feb 2013)
The primary purpose of the Synod Assembly’s Mission Fest is to celebrate, lift up, and invite participation in ministries of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod and/or the churchwide expression of the ELCA and/or ministries formally supported or endorsed by one or both of these expressions of the church.

Space for the Mission Fest is often limited.
Venues usually charge the synod for the provision of tables, electricity, and other support for the Mission Fest.
Policy and Practice


A.  Allocation of space in the Mission Fest is limited to ministries of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, and/or the churchwide and regional expressions of the ELCA, and/or ministries formally supported or endorsed by one or all of these expressions of the church.

B.  Only groups designated by the Assembly Planning Team, such as Steeple People bookstore, Fair Trade fair, keynote and breakout presenters, and assembly musicians are allowed to sell merchandise of any sort in public areas of the assembly, including the Mission Fest.

C.  One table (typically 6’ long) is permitted per organization or committee. Subcommittees of standing committees are to use a portion of the primary committee’s table space.

D.  If there is a cost for the table or linens by the venue, the standard fee per table will be $45.00, plus any additional costs charged by the venue for special needs of exhibitors (e.g. fees for electrical lines, Internet access, etc.). Fees related to synod organizations and committees will be charged to the sponsoring group’s budget. Others will pay their fees to the Indiana-Kentucky Synod through arrangement with the director of the Synod Assembly Planning Team.

E.  At the discretion of the Synod Assembly Planning team in consultation with the director of Synod Assembly Planning and the Secretary of the synod, available space may be provided in a location other than the Mission Fest for dissemination of information by organizations not falling under Policy A above.


Exceptions to the above policies are made by decision of the Synod Assembly Planning team in consultation with the synod’s director of Synod Assembly Planning and the Secretary of the synod.