Drama of Holy Week

For Holy Week, the congregation’s worship space represents the places of the Passion:

Sunday of the Passion


worship space is Jerusalem
Maundy Thursday


worship space is the upper room and Gethsemane
Good Friday


worship space is Calvary
Vigil of Easter worship space is the tomb


The gathered assembly plays the roles of the people of the passion:

Sunday of the Passion


pilgrims, the crowds, the disciples
Maundy Thursday


the disciples
Good Friday the crowds, the disciples


Vigil of Easter the people of Israel, those who have died,
the catechumens waiting for resurrection life
the whole creation waiting for the Lord’s Passover


There are props for this drama:

Sunday of the Passion


palm branches
Maundy Thursday


a wash basin, bread and wine
Good Friday


the cross
Vigil of Easter candles, stories, water, bread and wine


There are scripts for this drama:

Sunday of the Passion Procession with Palms (ELW pp 256-257)
Passion Narrative according to St. Matthew (Item #9780806605678)
Procession and Passion Narrative for Year A (Item # 9780806670225)


Maundy Thursday The Maundy Thursday Liturgy
(ELW pp 258-261 or Item #9780806680293)
Good Friday The Good Friday Liturgy (ELW pp 262-265)
Passion Narrative according to St. John (Item #9780806605708)
The Liturgy with the Passion Narrative (Item #9780806680309)


Vigil of Easter Vigil Liturgy (ELW pp 266-270)
Vigil Readings (Item #9780806605807)

[All numbers refer to Augsburg Fortress order numbers.  Liturgies may also be downloaded from the EWL Liturgies CD-Rom (Item No:  9780806656229) and www.SundaysandSeasons.com.]