Bible Passage
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost  (Luke 16:19-31)


Today is the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.  During the season of Pentecost we learn about Jesus and the early church

Today we hear Jesus tell a parable, which is a teaching story.  This teaching story is about a rich man and a poor man.  The poor man is named Lazarus.

Watch the video to learn more:


In his teaching story, Jesus told about a rich man who one day had a big meal and then took a nap.  Outside of the rich man’s house, the poor man named Lazarus was making moaning sounds…he was saying “Ow!”  He was pretty loud and woke up the rich man.  He didn’t want to hear the sounds Lazarus was making.

The rich man saw that Lazarus was lying on the ground.  Lazarus was so poor that he had no money and no food to eat.  He had sores all over his body because he was sick.  He needed help!

But the rich man didn’t want to help.  He just wanted Lazarus to be quiet.  He didn’t want to hear the sounds Lazarus was making.

In this parable, Jesus said that Lazarus died that night.  When Lazarus died, he went to heaven to be with God and Lazarus was made well.  He was no longer hungry or sick and he had no sores.

The rich man also died.  He didn’t go to heaven but instead was far away from God.  He could see Lazarus in heaven with God.  The rich man begged Lazarus to help him, but they were too far apart.  Lazarus couldn’t help him.

Jesus told this parable, a teaching story, to teach something.  What he wanted to teach was that when the rich man was alive he thought he was too important to help Lazarus.  He didn’t care what happened to him.  Jesus wants us to listen to others and to listen to the needs around us.  Jesus wants us to listen to him when he tells us to share what we have and to be kind to others to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Jesus want us to be his followers by loving and caring for all people.



  • How well do you listen?
  • What causes you not to listen?
  • How can you listen to Jesus?



Never Let Go of Me.  LifeTree Kids.


Play the game on the video below.  Can you identify the sounds?


Play the game on the video below.  It is a silly game of Simon Says.  It is pretty fun!

Closing Prayer

Loving God, we thank you that you are always with us.  Help us to always listen to you.  Help us share what we have with others.  Help us be kind to others.  Help us love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  We pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  Contact him at [email protected].