SUNDAY SCHOOL @ HOME – 4th Sunday after Epiphany (January 29, 2023)

Bible Passage (Matthew 5:1-12)

Today is the 4th Sunday of Epiphany in the calendar of the church year.  Epiphany is the time after Jesus is born and when the wise men follow the star.  Epiphany is sometimes called the Season of Light.

Today we hear Jesus teach about blessings.  What the video to learn more.


In our gospel for today from St. Matthew, Jesus goes up a mountainside so that people can see him and hear him as he teaches them about blessings.  We know that God blesses us.  God takes care of us.  God provides us with what we need.  God sends us blessings like our family, our friends, our teacher, the Bible, our church, our home, food, love, the Bible, peace, and happiness.

Jesus’ teachings about blessings in St. Matthew’s gospel are called the Beatitudes.  The word blessed means “happy.”  We feel happy when we are blessed.

Jesus said that those who are poor, those who don’t have much, are blessed, because God will give them what they need.  He said that those who are sad are blessed, because they will be comforted – others will help them feel better.  Jesus said those who are shy and quiet will be blessed, because God will help them do what is right.  He said that those who are kind towards others will receive kindness towards them.  Jesus said that those who know what is right in their hearts will see God.  He said that those who work for peace are children of God.

Jesus said that even those who face difficult times because they do what is right are blessed because God is with them.

Jesus taught people about their blessings from God.  We are some of God’s blessings, too.  We can be a blessing to others by being helpful and kind.  Think about who you can be blessing to this week and then do it!


  • What are some of the blessings you have received from God?
  • How can you celebrate God’s blessings?
  • How can you be a blessing to others?


Praise Ye the Lord.  Hallelujah.  Listener Kids.



God provides us with so many blessings – family, friends, homes, food, clothing, church, Jesus.  Have a party to celebrate God’s blessings.  Why not go all out?  Have party hats, cupcakes, party favors, even decorations!  Make a banner that says “Celebrate” and have each student contribute a drawing to the banner that includes a picture of one of the blessings that they have received from God and one picture of a way they can be a blessing to others.



Here’s a craft you can do that highlights the Beatitudes.



God, we thank you for all the blessings you shower upon us every day.  We thank for you our family and friends.  We thank you for our home, for food, and for health, love, peace, and joy.  We thank you most especially for Jesus.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.    Contact him at [email protected].