The three resolutions may be found in full at:

R—01—16: Support For Peacemaking With Justice in Israel and Palestine

Submitted by the North Central Conference Ministerium

Peace Not Walls is an ELCA campaign working for peace with justice in Palestine and Israel


For information about “restorative justice” you may go to


R-02-16:       Resources to help IK Synod Members to Share Friendship and the Gospel with Muslim Neighbors and Refugees

Submitted by the Evansville Conference


There are resources on the ELCA website related to Lutheran-Muslim relations


The resolution references the Crescent Project (and its Bridges program) and its web site is:




R-03-16:  Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery

Submitted by St Thomas Lutheran Church, Bloomington, IN


In the 1820’s a number of Supreme Court decisions established as law the Discovery Doctrine that allowed the colonies to claim land belonging to Native Americans. This doctrine is part of US law to this day, and was invoked as late as 2005. This practice and attitude finds its roots in 15th century papal bulls and promulgations of European monarchs which allowed for the “discovery” of land not inhabited by Christians.


For more information about the Doctrine of Discovery, you may visit the web sites of a number of our ecumenical partners.

The Episcopal Church, USA voted in 2009 to repudiate the discovery doctrine:

The United Church of Christ voted repudiate the doctrine in 2013:

The United Methodist Church:


You may also visit the World Council of Churches site: