Bible Passage
Second Sunday in Advent (Malachi 3:1-3)

Today is the second Sunday in Advent.  It is a time when we prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus.  We prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus born as a baby in Bethlehem.  We prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus among us here and now.  We prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus in glory at the end of time.  There are four Sundays in Advent and that means there are two Sundays before Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born as a baby in Bethlehem.  Advent is a time of waiting, but it isn’t a boring, sitting around kind of waiting.  We are waiting in an active way.  We are looking and preparing for Jesus to come.


Today we hear from the Old Testament prophet Malachi.  Prophets are messengers from God.  Prophets speak on behalf of God.  When they speak, they are speaking God’s words.  In fact, the name Malachi means “my messenger.”  Malachi had an important message for God’s people.

Watch the video to find out what he said:


God had promised the people of Israel for hundreds of years that God would send a Messiah, God’s Son.  Malachi reminded them of this promise.  Malachi told them that God would send a Messiah, but that they weren’t ready.  Malachi reminded them that they broke God’s commandments.  They stole things.  They lied.  They didn’t always put God first.  Malachi told them that they had to stop what they were doing and they had to change.


Malachi told them that when we are dirty, soap makes us clean.  He said God would make them clean.  God would wash away their sins.  God would forgive them.  God would forgive everyone.


Malachi said to prepare the way for the Messiah, to follow God’s commandments, to love one another, to serve others, and to share with those in need.  Malachi said when they changed and followed God more completely, they would be ready for the Messiah.


During Advent, we prepare for the coming of Jesus born as a baby in Bethlehem, coming among us here and now, and coming again in glory at the end of time.  As we prepare, we consider how we are following God, whether we are loving others, serving others, and sharing with those in need.  When we fall short, we ask God to forgive us and we change.  The good news is that God does forgive us.  God loves us so much that God sent the Messiah, Jesus, and nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.



  • Malachi’s message was to get ready for the Messiah.  How do we get ready for Jesus?
  • What would you like to hear from God?
  • How do you share God’s message with others?


Emmanuel.  GraceChildMusic.  (We are using this song throughout Advent)

The words to the song are:

Hey-oh, hey-oh – have you heard the news? The Savior, the Savior is coming just for you! Don’t know when He’ll arrive, or what He will look like But He’s coming very, very, very soon Emmanuel! Emmanuel! He will come in peace to wash us clean I just can’t wait to meet Emmanuel

Hey-oh, hey-oh – bet you’ll never guess The Savior, the Savior will come in righteousness He will take our sin upon Himself and then He will offer us eternal life with Him Emmanuel! Emmanuel! He will come in peace to wash us clean I just can’t wait to meet Emmanuel

The Lord will live among us; Our Shepherd and our King So let’s make our hearts ready; To love and follow Him! Emmanuel! Emmanuel! He will come in peace to wash us clean I just can’t wait to meet Emmanuel! Emmanuel! He will come in peace to wash us clean I just can’t wait to meet Emmanuel



If your family uses an Advent wreath, light the first two candles today and use this litany as you do so:


One:  When the world seems scary or uncertain,

Others:  The Lord is our peace.


One:  When peace is hard to find,

Others:  The Lord is our peace.


One:  When we are nervous or anxious or impatient,

Others:  The Lord is our peace.


One:  When everything is good,

Others:  The Lord is our peace.


One:  You, Lord, are patient and loving.

Others:  The Lord is our peace.


One:  Today, we light the candle of peace.

Others:  The Lord in our peace.


Pray:  Thank you, God, that you are with us.  Thank you for the gift of Jesus and your promise to come again.  Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit as we wait.  May the candle of peace be a reminder that you are our peace.  Amen.


If you don’t have an Advent wreath, download this page and color the first two candles either blue or purple:

[embeddoc url=””]



Advent is a time of waiting.  Time can feel very slow when we are waiting.  Time can feel very fast when we are trying to do something hard in a short time.  Here is a “Minute to Win It” game.  See if you can complete the task in 60 seconds.  There are others you can try on YouTube as well.


Closing Prayer

God of love and forgiveness, we thank you for your Son Jesus.  We thank you for your prophets like Malachi who speak your words of truth.  Help us prepare for the coming of Jesus as we wait during this season of Advent.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  There will be a new one for each Sunday as we continue through this COVID wilderness.  Contact him at [email protected].


The candlelighting litany adapted from Let Earth Receive Her King by The Foundry Publishing.  Used with permission.