Advent Devotions.
Saturday, December 10:
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on the lowly state of his servant.
Surely from now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.”
Luke 1:46-49 (New Revised Standard Version)
Despite my lack of musical skills, I can’t read this passage without singing, out loud or in my head, the Magnificat from Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer. And when I do, I hear the voices from our two shared ministry churches, combined with friends and family from neighboring churches, and see sunlight streaming through the church windows as we gather for evening worship. That music is a Lenten tradition at the churches where I serve. The experience of singing it with them has given me fresh eyes and a new love for this well-known passage.
Mary is often known for pondering things quietly in her heart. Yet she makes what may be one of the best and strongest verbal declarations of all time: the Magnificat. Her song of praise is named after the Latin word for “magnify.” Like Hannah before her, Mary can’t help but sing. She can’t help but extol God’s greatness as she responds to her cousin Elizabeth’s blessing and greeting
as the mother of her Lord. Mary recognizes the awesomeness, not only of God’s saving power for her and for all people, but also the privilege of being God’s chosen instrument to bring this about.
In Mary, we see an example of proclamation and contemplation, action and reflection. She embodies our call to live as faithful disciples.
Her praiseworthy good news is our good news, the world’s good news, now and for all time.
Prayer: Mighty One, in your power we can proclaim boldly and ponder quietly in our hearts. Give us the strength and wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Wondering While Waiting: What is something that causes you to sing praise to the Lord, either aloud or in
your heart?
Kristen – Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
Faith Lutheran Church, Logansport, IN and St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Camden, IN