Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son and shall name him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 (NRSV Update Edition).
In an earlier verse, the Lord spoke to Ahaz and told him to ask for a sign. But Ahaz said he would not ask and put the Lord to test. Then Isaiah said the Lord himself will give you a sign. What was the sign? It was Mary, a young virgin woman, who was with child. She was to have a son and he was to be called Immanuel.
Do you ever ask for a sign? Sometimes I have a hard time deciding what I should do on any random day. I will offer up a little prayer to God and ask him what I should do. I would love it if God would just say “this is what you need to do.” However, that does not happen. I guess it has to do with free will. I think my answer usually comes from the Holy Spirit. I will have a little thought pop into my head that I should do this or that, but it is up to me what I choose to do.
I often wonder if I am just plain dense. Am I missing the signs that God is sending me? I have concluded that God knows me better than anyone. I just need to do my best and God will keep trying to reach me.
Prayer: Dear God, please open my eyes and ears to the signs you are giving me. I know you only want what is best for me.
Wondering While Waiting: Describe a time in your life that you recognized God presenting you with a sign. How did that impact you?
Ginny – Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
St Paul’s Lutheran Church Crossroads, Batesville, IN