Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for,us. Isaiah 26:12 (NIV)

This is a saga of our son Marty who has Down Syndrome. Until the onset of Covid 19, Marty had meaningful activity in his life, including music therapy, eating out, and working in a daycare with preschool children. All of this was curtailed when Covid 19 hit and Marty didn’t understand why, resulting in his mental health issues.

Competent mental health care is difficult to find. He became critically ill and was sent to the emergency room in Merrillville, IN. We almost lost him, and he then laid in nursing homes for a long
period of time, but we prayed a lot and found new hope.

The Lord provided us with the resources we needed to allow him to function at a better level. We moved him to a private home with a high-functioning roommate. He still has some issues but has a much better quality of life.

Whether God does it directly or through other humans, it is by his works that Marty has the quality of life he deserves. At my low point, God gave me the strength and peace to carry on and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding our family through what seemed to be a hopelesssituation. Through your love and grace and peace, we put our hope in you. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Dan – Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
Christ Lutheran Church, Kokomo, IN