Beyond the Basics Scholarship

Remaining funds from the annual endowment draw that are not being held for the Emergency/Discretionary Funds or going towards the Tuition Assistance Scholarships are available to support seminary or other educational expenses directly related to candidacy for rostered ministry. This is a scholarship that goes beyond the basic tuition assistance that is available for most candidates, and is intended to help reduce the amount of debt a student will incur. Multiple recipients receive this scholarship each year, and the individual scholarships range from $500.00 to $5000.00 based on demonstrated need and the number of applicants.

Guidelines for the Beyond the Basics scholarships:

  • Candidates for all four ELCA rosters are eligible to apply
  • Candidates may be engaged in either full-time or part-time coursework
  • Candidates must have received a positive Entrance Decision and currently hold an active, positive standing as candidates (e.g., not engaged in a period of postponement)
  • Candidates serving on internship are NOT eligible to apply

Beyond the Basics Scholarships are awarded annually by the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Candidacy Committee Financial Aid Team through an application process. This scholarship is awarded on a year-to-year basis, which means that previous recipients are eligible to reapply each year. Because these scholarships are primarily focused on addressing accumulating debt, they are not considered loans and do not, at this time, have conditions for service in the church attached to them.

The Financial Aid Team for Candidacy meets in mid-April of each year to review and make decisions about applications for all scholarships for the following academic year. Typically, candidates will be notified about scholarship awards via letter by the end of April. Except in situations that require earlier dispersal, these scholarships are dispersed at the same time as the Tuition Assistance Scholarships.

Funds are sent directly to the financial aid office of the candidate’s seminary for application to seminary-related expenses. One half of each candidate’s annual total scholarship is sent in September of the academic year, the other half in January. This pattern of dispersal aligns with both the academic year and the synod’s fiscal year.

For questions or more information, please contact Heather Apel.