The Season of Easter – The Great 50 Days

Lent has 40 days and Easter gets 50.

Resurrection trumps crucifixion,

Easter outshines Lent,

life conquers death.

Every Sunday is celebrated as a little Easter.

But often Lent seems to have more power than Easter and The Feast of the Resurrection seems more like a big Sunday. Can we celebrate Easter more fully during these Great Fifty Days?

Just as getting ready for the Feast of the Resurrection required time and effort, so celebrating the Resurrection on all the Sundays of Easter will take some effort – by the musicians, by the Worship Committee, by the Worship Leaders, and especially by the Pastor.

We do this hard work because we believe what Paul said in 1Corinthians 15:

“if Christ has not been raised from the dead, than our proclamation is in vain and your faith is in vain…But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead…” (1Cor 15.14, 20).

The links below provide some practical suggestions for the celebration of the Fifty Days in general and for the Sundays of Easter.