October 13,
3pm Eastern Daylight Time
Local congregations and the Body of Christ are facing difficult times as frequently political parties are discipling people more effectively than churches are. How do Christian leaders maintain integrity and practice courageous leadership in times of division?
Dr. William Kincaid will offer reflections and practical advice on the witness of the Church in, and through, political wildernesses. ELCA rostered ministers and congregational leaders are invited to a time of learning and reflecting with peers, on leadership in times of political upheaval.
William Kincaid is the Herald B. Monroe Professor of Leadership and Ministry Studies at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Kincaid teaches a variety of courses related to pastoral leadership, congregational dynamics and mission, contextual engagement, and spirituality.
His teaching focuses on pastoral wisdom and church and community practices to engage political polarization, religious extremism, sexuality, generational differences, racial divides and economic disparities constructively and prophetically. Kincaid’s most recent book is Letters to the Church: Engagement and Encouragement for the 2020 Election.
Designed for individuals and church study groups, Letters to the Church seeks to help compassionate, thoughtful Christians regain our bearings and find our voice and courage for honest, hopeful conversations as we approach a critical presidential election in November, 2020.
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