November 25 was designated as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2020 – and the Indiana-Kentucky Synod joins with other ELCA Synods and Lutheran Churches across the globe in 16 days of activism. This comes from a United Nations initiative to prevent and respond to a worldwide inequality system that impacts women and girls. It also aligns with the World Council of Churches Thursdays in Black campaign, which the ELCA supports, and the work that the IK Synod has been doing with our companion church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile (IELCH). Together we have chosen Dec. 4 as our action day, when we will post a joint pastoral letter from Bishop Bill Gafkjen and Bishop Izani Bruch, along with other resources. However, if you want to take a look at what other synods and churches around the world are doing beginning today through Dec. 10, you can click on the calendar below which has links to where their actions will be posted. We also have included a Prayer of Lament from the ELCA Global Mission Latin America and the Caribbean Companion Synod Program, which you can use for your own personal time of prayer and reflection, as part of a worship service or Bible study, or with a small group.

Prayer of Lament Spanish         Prayer of Lament English          Calendar for 16 Days of Action      Song: “Nunca Mas Mujer”

Below is a pastoral letter in English and Spanish from Bishop Gafkjen of the IN-KY Synod and Bishop Bruch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile on Friday, Dec. 4.

Bishop Gafkjen and Bishop Bruch: Pastoral Letter English            Bishop Gafkjen and Bishop Bruch: Pastoral Letter- Spanish