Week 3- Love
There is no greater way to love than to give your life for your friends. John 15:13 (VOICE)
Jesus is speaking these words to his disciples to teach them and us about love. Jesus expresses his radical love for us as he gives his very life in his death on the cross. Through this sacrifice Jesus gives us (his friends) life, both eternal life in the future and abundant life in the present. Not many of us will have the occasion to literally die or give our life for someone or have another give their life for us.
But there are ways that I have received life from others through their acts of kindness, care and concern, especially last year when I encountered breast cancer. I received life from my son, who came home from college to care for me during and after my surgery; from my neighbor, who brought me meals and called or texted me daily; from the prayer shawls I received from congregations; and from the multitude of people whose prayers for healing, notes, and phone calls lifted and encouraged me. All these people, and more, gave me a piece of their life, bringing life and sustenance to me through my cancer journey. When have you given life to someone else through acts of kindness, care, concern, or a time of listening?
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for the opportunities the Spirit offers us to show your love and our love as we give our life for others.
Nancy – Inspire, Ignite. Invite.
Leadership Team, Fishers, IN