Week 3-Love
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16-17 (NRSV)
When my 26-year -old grandson, Connor, died in a motorcycle accident, my son Scott, his wife Maureen, their other son Grant, and I fell apart. We felt very distant from God and were angry at God. We were all very angry at the time. My son is still angry with God. We know Connor is with God and yet we selfishly want him here with us.
A couple of months before Connor died, both of my grandsons spent a week together with me in Florida. Little did we know it would be the last time they saw each other. I wonder if this was a “God thing” and we were allowed to have this last special time together. Grant was in college on break and Connor was there for a week before driving me home. The last photo of the three of us was taken that week on the balcony with the ocean and beach in the background.
After Connor’s death, my church family and friends showed me God’s love by sending thoughtful cards, caring phone calls, compassionate heart-hugs, and taking time to sit and listen to the grief in my heart. We need to always remember this verse – God gave His only Son so that by believing in him we have eternal life. I am assured that because of Connor’s deep faith he is in the arms of Jesus now.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, my prayer during this season is for peace and love with our fellow human beings. Help us remember the reason we celebrate the birth of Christ.

Elaine – Inspire. Invite. Ignite.

Christ Lutheran Church, Kokomo, IN