Eventbrite - 2016 Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly

Official Call:  29th Annual Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly
June 9 – June 11, 2016
Spirit Filled. Spirit Sent.

The 29th Annual Assembly of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will be held Thursday, June 9, through Saturday, June 11, 2016, at the Century Center in South Bend, IN. Check-in/registration opens at noon edt on Thursday, June 9, with the first plenary session beginning at 2:00 p.m. edt. The election process for the office of bishop (six year term) will begin with an ecclesiastical ballot during the first plenary session. The Made New for Mission Banquetwill begin at 6:00 p.m., June 9, followed by Bishop Bill Gafkjen preaching at the opening Eucharist worship beginning at 8:00 p.m. edt.

New Voting Members Representation Formula (Synod Council Action SC/2015/50):

Each congregation shall elect two lay voting members (one male and one female) for the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly
Additional voting members shall be elected following the chart below:

Congregational Baptized Membership

Number of additional voting members

351 – 700

1  (male or female)

701 – 1,000

2  (1 male, 1 female)

1,001 – 1,500

3  (male or female to balance representation)

More than 1,501

4  (male or female to balance representation)

Congregations may send one additional voting member who is a person of color or person whose primary language is other than English.
Congregations may send one additional voting member who is a youth (confirmed to age 17) or young adult (between 18 and 30).

Voting member representation shall be determined by the most recent congregational report on file with the ELCA and synod office.  Any changes in congregational representation, including substitution, must be approved by the secretary of the synod, Judy Bush: [email protected].

Professional Leaders Representation

All ordained ministers, associates in ministry, diaconal ministers, and deaconesses under call and on the roster of this synod in attendance at the IN-KY Synod Assembly shall be voting members (IN-KY Synod Constitution †S7.21a and b).  Associates in ministry, deaconesses and diaconal ministers are considered in addition to the voting membership of lay members from congregations.
All retired rostered leaders of this synod shall have the privilege of voice and vote at meetings of the IN-KY Synod Assembly (IN-KY Synod Bylaws S7.22.01 and S7.22.02).
By action of the IN-KY Synod Council (SC/2009/32), pastors from other traditions who are not currently rostered in the ELCA, but are serving congregations of the synod under appointment of the bishop as interim ministers must register as visitors and have voice but not a vote during the assembly. It is expected that the congregations being served by these ministers will cover the cost of their attendance.

Registration Fees and Other Information

The registration fee is $195.00 (which includes the Thursday and Friday evening meals, refreshment breaks, Thursday evening reception, and all materials) per voting member.  The registration fee is increased due to the longer assembly and the inclusion of both dinners.
Fee for registered visitors is also $195.00, which includes the Thursday and Friday evening meals, refreshment breaks, evening reception and materials.
By action of the IN-KY Synod Council (SC/2015/56), retired professional leaders on the roster of this synod pay a reduced fee to attend the assembly – $95.00.
Fees for interim pastors are to be paid by the congregation(s) being served.
Any congregation or voting member needing assistance with the registration fee may notify the IN-KY Synod Council Executive Committee of that need in writing by April 15, 2016,(mail to the synod office address, attention: IN-KY Synod Council Exec. Comm. or email the IN-KY Synod Council Secretary, Judy Bush: [email protected] ).



Congregations are strongly encouraged to select their voting members early. Registration rates increase to $225 after the early bird registration deadline, Thursday, March 31, 2016.

Registration rates increase to $110 for Retired Rostered Leaders after March 31, 2016.


Registration for the IN-KY Synod Assembly will open Wednesday, February 17. Please register online athttps://2016iksynodassembly.eventbrite.com. You can make a hotel reservation HERE.  Assembly registration will close Wednesday, May 18, 2016. If you need assistance to register electronically, please call Sylvia Ore at (317) 253-3522.



After Wednesday, May 18, only on-site registration will be available. The fee will be $250.00 per registrant ($125.00 for Retired Rostered Leaders).  Meals may not be guaranteed with on-site registration, but will only be available on a “first come, first served” basis as we receive cancellations.


In an effort to continue being good stewards of our earth’s resources and our synod’s move toward electronic communication, the Bulletin of Reports will be available as a FREE download on the Indiana-Kentucky Synod’s web site: http://www.iksynod.org/2016assembly.html by May 10, 2016. Printed copies may be purchased for $15.00 through the registration system.

Detailed assembly registration and hotel reservation information are included in this mailing, along with other important and helpful information.

We joyfully look forward to gathering in assembly in South Bend with all congregations represented. 

Grace and Peace,
Judy Bush, Secretary

Eventbrite - 2016 Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly