See the list on the Gettysburg Seminary Web site.
The following commentaries on Matthew are listed on the Trinity Web site:
Davies, W. D. and Allison, Dale C. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew. International Critical Commentary 28, pts. 1-3 (Matthew 1-7; Matthew 8-16; and Matthew 17-28). Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1988-1997.
Hagner, Donald. Matthew 1-13 and Matthew 14-28. Word Biblical Commentary 33A and 33B. Dallas: Word Books, 1993.
Keener, Craig S. A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.
Luz, Ulrich. Matthew 1-7, Matthew 8-20, and Matthew 21-28. Trans. Wilhelm C. Linss and James E. Crouch. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1989-2005.
Nolland, John. The Gospel of Matthew: A Commentary on the Greek Text. New International Greek Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.
The following commentaries on Matthew are listed on the Gettysburg Web site:
• Carter, Warren. Matthew and the Margins: A Sociopolitical and Religious Reading. Orbis. ISBN: 1570753245 (χ)
• Garland, David. Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the First Gospel. Smyth & Helwys. ISBN: 1573122742 (χ)
• Hare, Douglas. Matthew. Interpretation. John Knox. ISBN: 0804231265 (χ)
• Luz, Ulrich. Matthew 1-7. Continental Commentaries. Augsburg. ISBN: 080069600X (χ)
• Luz, Ulrich. Matthew 8-20. Hermeneia. Fortress. ISBN: 0806624027 (χ)
• Powell, Mark Allen. “Matthew” in the Harper-Collins Bible Commentary. Revised Edition (2000). Word. ISBN: 0060655488 (χ)
• Carter, Warren. Matthew: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist. Hendrickson Publishers. ISBN: 1565631536 (η)
• Senior, Donald. Matthew. ANTC. Abingdon. ISBN: 0687057663 (χ)
• Guelich, Robert. The Sermon on the Mount: A Foundation for Understanding. Word. ISBN: 0849901103 ( χ)
• “Interpretation 46, The Gospel of Matthew.” The Journal of Bible and Theology. Union Theological Seminary. October 1992. (Out of print) (χ)
• Kingsbury, Jack. Matthew. Proclamation Commentaries. Fortress. ISBN: 0800605977 (χ)
• Levine, Amy-Jill. The Social and Ethical Dimensions of Matthean Salvation History. Edwin Mellen. ISBN: 0889466149 (χ)
• Luz, Ulrich. The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew. New Testament Theology. Cambridge. ISBN: 0521434335 (χ)
• Powell, Mark Allen. God With Us: A Pastoral Theology of Matthew’s Gospel. Fortress. ISBN: 0800628810 (χ)
• Senior, Donald. The Gospel of Matthew. Interpreting Biblical Texts. Abingdon. ISBN: 0687008484 (χ)
• Wainright, Elaine Mary. Toward a Feminist-Critical Reading of the Gospel According to Matthew. Walter de Gruyter, Inc. ISBN: 3110128608 (χ)
The following commentaries on Luke are listed on the Trinity Web site:
Bovon, François, The Hermeneia Commentary on Luke 1.1-9:50, published by Augsburg Fortress.
Fitzmeyer, Joseph, a two-volume Anchor Bible Commentary, published by Doubleday.
Green, Joel B., the New International Commentary on the New Testament,
published by Eerdmans.
Marshall, I. Howard, the New International Greek Commentary on the New Testament,
also published by Eerdmans.
Nolan, John, a three-volume Word Biblical Commentary, published by Word Books.
The following commentaries on Luke are listed on the Gettysburg Web site:
Culpepper, Allan, in the New Interpreter’s Bible, Vol. IX, published by Abingdon.
Tiede, David, the Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament, published by Augsburg.
Dr. Hoffman also directs you to three other web sites that provide commentary lists.
Other commentaries:
Johnson, Luke Timothy, in the Sacra Pagina series, published by the Order of St. Benedict, © 1991.
This commentary provides the two things I look for in a commentary: good exegesis and theological insights. Johnson is one of the premier exegetes around these days and he provides verse by verse exegesis and theological commentary on the whole pericope. Each section begins with a new translation of the text and concludes with a pertinent bibliography.
The introduction is 25 pages long, including a bibliography.
Danker, Fred. Jesus and the New Age, published by Clayton Press, © 1972.
Danker is the Danker of BAGD and offers in this commentary solid insights into the words that are used by Luke. His introduction is brief (11 pp) and the major theme he sees in Luke is that Jesus as ushered in the new age by his death, a thought that runs contrary to apocalyptic visions of that day.
Fitzmeyer, Joseph A., S.J., a two-volume commentary in the Anchor Bible Series, published by Doubleday, © 1981.
This commentary is similar to Raymond Brown’s commentary on the Gospel of John.
It follows the pattern of new translation, “Comment” on the pericope, then verse by verse exegetical comment. Most sections conclude with a bibliography specific to the verses dealt with. I have found this commentary extremely helpful, but have also found myself sometimes disagreeing with his conclusions. Fitzmeyer’s introduction is extensive (283 pp, including bibliography) and very helpful.
Carid, G.B., a Pelican New Testament Commentary, published by Penquin Books, © 1963.
A comparatively brief commentary (and granted a bit dated), Caird’s work is appropriately concise and helpful in getting to the heart of the pericope. It is not meant to be a book for the strict exegete, nor is it a devotional commentary. What it does is attempt to lift up Luke’s theological intention – and does it quite well. The introduction is 25 pages. The RSV text in each section, followed by verse commentary and overall comment mixed together.
Just, Arthur A. Jr., editior, in the Ancient Christian Commentary on the Scripture series, published by Varsity Press, © 2003.
This new series presents sections from ancient commentaries on the texts of Luke. It is helpful tool to see how the text has been interpreted in the past, providing good images and quotes for the preacher.
The following commentaries on Mark are listed on the Trinity Web site:
Edwards, James R. The Gospel According to Mark. Pillar New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans; Leicester, UK: Apollos, 2002.
Evans, Craig A. Mark 8:27-16:20. Word Biblical Commentary 34B. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2001. (To be combined with Guelich book below).
France, R. T. The Gospel of Mark: A Commentary on the Greek Text. New International Greek New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 2002.
Guelich, Robert A. Mark 1–8:26. Word Biblical Commentary 34A. Dallas: Word Books, 1989. (To be combined with Evans book above).
Marcus, Joel. Mark 1–8: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Anchor Bible 27. New York: Doubleday, 2000. (A second volume is forthcoming).
Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of Mark. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002.
The following commentaries on Mark are listed on the Gettysburg Web site:
Donahue, John and Daniel Harrington. Mark. Sacra Pagina. Glazier/Liturgical Press. ISBN: 0814658040
Juel, Donald H. The Gospel of Mark. Interpreting Biblical Texts. Abingdon. ISBN: 0687008492
Rhoads, David M., Joanna Dewey, and Donald Michie. Mark As Story: AnIntroduction to the Narrative of a Gospel. Fortress. ISBN: 0800631609
Williamson, LaMar. Mark. Interpretation. Westminster/John Knox. ISBN: 0804231214
In addition, members of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Leadership Support Committee offer these comments and suggestions:
Anderson, Hugh. New Century Bible. ISBN: 0 551 00579 3
A solid 60 page introduction. Each ‘pericope’ is discussed in general and as it relates to its context in Mark, followed by a more narrow commentary on specific verse and phrase.
Nineham, D.E. Pelican New Testament Commentaries. ISBN: 014020489x
This brief commentary packs concise explanations of Mark based on scholarly study. There is a 51 page introduction followed by commentary that avoids technical terms where possible.
Lamar Williamson’s work in the Interpretation series highlights the strengths of that series’ model, with integrated historical and theological work interspersed with expository essays, always keeping in mind what is useful for the church.
The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. 8 (Matthew and Mark; Abingdon Press, © 1995; ISBN-13: 9780687278213), is very in-depth and full of good information. It is useful when studying a text in preparation for preaching, teaching, or leading a Bible study – so it has multiple uses!
Questions? Contact: Pr. Rudy Mueller, Assistant to the Bishop [email protected]