The Indiana-Kentucky Synod Call Process
Sample Letter-Continuation of Call Consideration

This letter is written as if from a Call Committee;
it may be edited if it is an invitation from the Congregation Council to meet the congregation.

Dear Pastor (name),

Thank you for the time you made available to be with our Call Committee on (date). We greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet you and to discuss the ministry of (congregation).

Since that meeting, the Call Committee has further evaluated all you shared with us about your approach to pastoral ministry, together with the needs of our congregational at this time. After careful and prayerful consideration, it is our feeling that you possess many significant gifts and abilities which the ministry at (congregation) presently requires. It is our hope that you share this conviction, and would be willing to meet with the Congregation Council to further discuss the possibility of a call. If you would contact me at (phone number) on (day, date). I would like to determine with you the arrangements for such a meeting.

Be assured of our continuing prayers for you and for our congregation as we seek the Lord’s grace and guidance in all we undertake in His name.

Most sincerely,