Bishop Gafkjen’s June Newsletter

May 25, 2017|Comments Off on Bishop Gafkjen’s June Newsletter

For a week I have been surrounded by, accompanied by, welcomed and inspired by, Lutheran Christians from more than 90 countries, north and south, east and west. We sang together, broke bread and sipped wine [...]

Bishop Gafkjen’s May Newsletter

May 1, 2017|Comments Off on Bishop Gafkjen’s May Newsletter

For a week near the beginning of May, I have the honor and joy of representing the ELCA and the Indiana-Kentucky Synod as a voting member of the Twelfth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation [...]

A Call to Prayer

March 23, 2017|Comments Off on A Call to Prayer

from the Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America “As the Conference of Bishops, we call our worshiping communities to pray for raising up leaders for this church. We ask that the [...]

Bishop Gafkjen’s April Newsletter Has Arrived

March 23, 2017|Comments Off on Bishop Gafkjen’s April Newsletter Has Arrived

Victory is ours! Victory is ours! Through God who loves us. I am intrigued and inspired by the calendric fact that Easter is longer than Lent. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes with Holy [...]

Instruments of Peace

February 28, 2017|Comments Off on Instruments of Peace

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace…where there is hatred, let me sow love. This prayer, attributed to the 12th/13th century Saint Francis of Assisi, came to mind when I heard about the spate [...]

Bishop Gafkjen’s March Newsletter Has Arrived

February 20, 2017|Comments Off on Bishop Gafkjen’s March Newsletter Has Arrived

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (8th Commandment) As we move through this 500th year since the beginning of the Reformation, many of us are renewing our acquaintance with various writings and [...]