Can We Talk

July 27, 2016|Comments Off on Can We Talk

Can we talk? - Joan Rivers Sometimes I wonder whether we have lost the ability to talk. I don’t mean the ability to form and speak words. I mean the ability to talk – really [...]

New Life Unnoticed

April 4, 2015|Comments Off on New Life Unnoticed

They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him. Mary Magdalene, first report from the empty tomb [John 20:2] She turned around and saw Jesus [...]

Religious Freedom? Really?

March 24, 2015|Comments Off on Religious Freedom? Really?

This week, Indiana’s legislature passed a bill, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SB 101), which is now in the hands of our Governor, Mike Pence. He has said that he will sign this bill into [...]