Mission Fest Guidelines

30th Annual Indiana-Kentucky Synod Assembly – June 1-3, 2017

Northern Kentucky Convention Center–Covington, KY

Formed. Reformed. Transformed.

Mission Fest is an opportunity for ministries of the church and related organizations to:

      • engage assembly participants in interesting and inspiring interaction
      • lift up the many ways Christ is made known through ministries connected with the Indiana-Kentucky Synod and ELCA
      • stimulate active involvement in these ministries by assembly participants beyond the assembly

Make your display engaging. Assembly participants will have opportunities to talk with table sponsors, do something at the table, and experience the ministry.

  • Mission Fest will be located in the RiverCenter/Madison Lobby areas of the Northern Kentucky Convention Center, along with Ballroom D as a secure area. The lobby space will be a non-secure area. A limited amount of space will be available to lock items away at the end of the first day. Plan your display accordingly and make arrangements to secure any valuable items overnight.
  • Table eligibility is reserved for ministries of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod and/or the churchwide and regional expressions of the ELCA and/or ministries formally supported or endorsed by one or all of these expressions of the church. See the policy and practice statement adopted by the Indiana-Kentucky Synod Council in January 2009 for more information and the processes for seeking exceptions.
  • There is a $45 fee for a 6’ table (one per group), which includes table covering and chairs. If electrical access is needed and requested, there is an additional $25 fee. Indiana-Kentucky Synod Ministries can request that fees be taken from your budget areas by requesting the “free” table option on the website.
  • Submit the Mission Fest Table Request via the online registration form by April 1, 2017. Using the online registration form you have the option to purchase a box lunch for Thu. or the Made New for Mission Banquet on Thursday.  https://2017missionfest.eventbrite.com
  • Displays must be set up by 10:00 a.m. Thursday, June 1, 2017, as registration will open at 11:00 a.m.. Groups may begin moving into Mission Fest at 9:00 a.m. All displays must be packed up and removed by 6:00 p.m. Friday, June 2, 2017.
  • The Mission Fest will be located in a high traffic area of the Northern Kentucky Convention Center, and will be available to assembly participants throughout the first two days of the assembly. We encourage table sponsors to be present as much as possible during these two days so that participants may be engaged in conversation, ask questions, and experience the ministry.
  • Due to contractual agreements with the Northern KY Convention Center, groups and individuals are not permitted to bring in outside food for their tables (such as popcorn, cookies, pretzels, etc.).
  • We will have a drawing for gifts items from each table sponsor. We ask that you provide an item for this giveaway. Further details will come with your table confirmation.


Eventbrite - 2017 IN-KY Synod Assembly Mission Fest Table Request