SUNDAY SCHOOL @ HOME – Holy Trinity Sunday/May 30, 2021

Bible Passage 
Nicodemus/Holy Trinity Sunday (John 3:1-17)

Today is Holy Trinity Sunday.  It is the Sunday of the church year when we remember and celebrate our One God who is:  Father or Creator, Son or Jesus, and Holy Spirit.  We worship our Triune God…which means One God in Three.  Something that can help us remember that Trinity or Triune means three in one is other words that begin with the prefix tri- like tricycle (has three wheels), triangle (has three sides), and trio (a group of three).


In the gospel for today, we learn about Nicodemus.  Nicodemus had some questions for Jesus.  He didn’t want others to know that he was talking with Jesus, so he went to ask Jesus his questions at night.


Let’s watch this video together to hear his questions and what Jesus said:


Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a religious leader who studied God’s Word carefully and tried to follow all the rules.  Nicodemus had a lot of questions about Jesus and for Jesus.  Jesus told Nicodemus that if he really wanted to know God, he would have to be born again.  Nicodemus thought was really silly.  You can’t be born twice!


But Jesus explained that we are born as a baby and then we can be born again as a child of God.  Jesus said that all those who believe in him will have life with him forever in heaven.  Jesus said that God loves the world so much that God sent Jesus not to punish the world, but to save it.


When we are baptized, our sins are washed away, we are made children of God and part of God’s family, and we are given the gift of eternal life…life with God – our Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – forever in heaven.



  • When did Nicodemus go to see Jesus?
  • Why did God send Jesus to save the world?
  • What does it mean to you to be a child of God?



I Sing The Mighty Power of God Life LifeTree Kids.




Download the sheet to make 3 in 1 Silly Putty.  It’s not exactly Silly Putty, but it is an interesting mixture made with 3 ingredients that change to become one…and it is sort of fun to play with it.  (The Indiana-Kentucky Synod has permission to post this page)

[embeddoc url=””]


Download and do some of the things (or all of them) on this cartoon page about the Trinity.  (The Indiana-Kentucky Synod has a license to post this page)

[embeddoc url=””]



Some people say that pretzels remind them of the Trinity.  Pretzels have three open spaces.  One space reminds them of God the Father, the second of God the Son, and the third of God the Holy Spirit, all in one pretzel.

Check out the recipe below to make homemade pretzels as a family.


Closing Prayer

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Blessed Trinity, be with us now and always.  Help us share the love you have for us with other so that may know you.  Amen.

Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  There will be a new one for each Sunday while we are unable to gather together physically in our congregational buildings.  Contact him at [email protected].