SUNDAY SCHOOL @ HOME – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost/August 22, 2021

Bible Passage
Tools of Faith (Ephesians 6:10-20)

Today is the 13th Sunday of Pentecost.  During Pentecost, we grow closer to God and closer to one another.


In today’s second reading, from Ephesians, we are reminded of the gifts God gives us to live a life of faith in Jesus.

Watch today’s video and learn more:


Using the right tools to do a job is important.  God gives us many gifts to help us live our lives as Christians.  In Ephesians, some of these gifts are described like they are a suit of armor.  We hear that God gives us the belt of truth, shoes to proclaim the gospel of peace, a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit.  While we aren’t really given a set of armor, we are given the gifts of truth, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and more.


As followers of Jesus, we are given the tools we need to follow him.  The things we say and the things we do make a difference.  When we are kind and loving towards others, we help them experience what God’s love is like.  When we serve others in Jesus’ name, it is like we are serving Jesus.


God gives us the tools we need to follow Jesus.  When we follow Jesus, we grow in faith.  When we worship, when we study God’s Word in the Bible, when we praise God through song, when we serve others, we grow in faith.  We come to love God even more and we are able to love others, too.  We thank God for giving us the tools we need to follow Jesus.



  • Why do you think these gifts from God are described as being like a suit of armor?
  • What makes it easier for you to follow Jesus?
  • How can you help someone else experience God’s love?



Never Let Go of Me. LifeTree Kids.



The video below shows what it would look like for someone in the 1300’s to put on a suit of armor.  In Ephesians, we read about putting on the armor of God.



The video below is a reading of the book Monkey with a Toolbelt by Chris Monroe.  In this story, a monkey named Chico Bon Bon has a toolbelt that has the right tools to help him escape when he is captured for the circus.  Having the right tools is important.  Monkey with a Toolbelt is a cute story.  It reminds us that God gives us the tools we need to live as God intends us to live as Christians.




Closing Prayer

God, thank you for the gifts you give us – the gifts of grace, truth, peace, and love.  We thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Help us to live with love for you and others each day.  Thank you especially for the gift of your Son, Jesus.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  There will be a new one for each Sunday as we continue through this COVID wilderness.  Contact him at [email protected].