Lenten Checklist
  • The Color Purple
    The color purple is used throughout Lent (except during Holy Week).
    The color reminds us that the crucified One is our King and calls us to repentance.
  • Omit the Alleluias
    Check hymns, anthems and liturgical pieces to make sure the Alleluias are gone.
  • Farewell to the Alleluia See ideas for saying farewell to the alleluia.
    A good way to end the liturgy on Transfiguration Sunday.
  • Omit Processions
    Processions are a festive element in the liturgy.
    Omitting them observes the more solemn tone of Lent.
  • Silence
    Provide more time of silence for individual reflection and meditation.
    Times of silence may be used during the Rite of Confession and Forgiveness,
    the intercessory prayers, following readings and the sermon, and during distribution
    of Holy Communion.
  • Rite of Confession and Forgiveness
    Include the rite each Sunday.
    You may use the seasonal rite from Sundays and Seasons or an amended form
    of the Ash Wednesday rite. Be sure to allow for longer periods of silence.
    Save the words of absolution (As a called and ordained minister …) for the Maundy
    Thursday liturgy to underscore the entire season of Lent as a time of repentance.

    Use the Kyrie; omit the Hymn of Praise
    In the Gathering Rite, the Hymn of Praise – a festive element – is normally omitted.

  • Announce the Peace
    You might consider announcing but not sharing the Peace during Lent.
    While not announcing absolution underscores the brokenness of our relationship with God, not sharing the peace underscores the brokenness of our relationship with one another. The Peace is shared again by the assembly at the Maundy Thursday liturgy.