Session One: Getting Ready: Receiving Living Legacies (42  min )   

“Building the Gift Box—Establishing a Congregational Gift Acceptance Policy”

What if your congregation was offered a $1 million gift on the condition that the altar be painted pink since pink is the giver’s favorite color? Don’t let this happen to you! A congregational gift acceptance policy establishes the procedures for deciding what gifts will be accepted by the congregation and how those gifts will be used. Sometimes it is necessary to say, “no thank you,” if there are too many strings attached, and that is ok!

A gift policy can also include the disclaimer that if a designated or restricted gift is accepted but cannot be used for its intended purpose after a set time period, then that gift will automatically become unrestricted. The gift policy then would describe how those unrestricted funds would be distributed.

Once adopted, the gift policy is distributed and periodically redistributed to congregation members and publicized on the congregation’s web site, on social media, in the congregation’s newsletter and is included in the congregation’s written records. Having a publicized gift policy encourages gifts, communicates readiness to receive gifts, and minimizes surprises, confusion, and un-necessary conflict. Pastor Karl is available free of charge and has policy templates to work with your congregational endowment committee or leadership group to write a new gift policy or update an existing one.

View a recording of one of our “Buiding the Gift Box” workshops:


Session Two: Leaving Living Legacies       

“Filling the Gift Box: Planning Your Individual or Family Legacy”

Do you want to provide for your family, and/or your congregation, favorite ELCA ministries, institutions and other charities after you die but aren’t sure where to begin? Pastor Karl is ready to meet with you virtually or in-person free of charge to get to know you, as well as your hopes and dreams for your family and favorite ministries and charities. He will talk with you about your family situation and your assets, and help you plan for your financial wishes after death. Pastor Karl will then provide a legacy proposal that illustrates your assets available to help others—no gift is too small!—as well as the tax-wise financial vehicle for implementing your charitable legacy decisions. You can change your legacy plan as often as needed without changing your will. Pastor Karl is here to serve you as your charitable advisor, alongside your tax and legal professionals. Just like the Risen Jesus Christ, your charitable legacy plans can live on after death and continue providing new life for others!  Click below to view “Filling the Gift Box”.


See Legacy Giving documents.

For more information or to have a workshop for your faith community, please contact:

Regional Gift Planner for ELCA Foundation, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio
[email protected]