Interceding Spirit

And the Spirit immediately drove [Jesus] out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. Mark 1:12-13 (New Revised Standard Version)

Before retiring, I worked for a large, multinational insurance company based in Australia. I began my career with a local company, but due to acquisitions and company spin offs, I found myself employed by a mammoth firm.  In 2009, to streamline operations, changes occurred, consolidating offices and forming work teams specializing in various areas. Working as clerical support in the claims department, I was teamed with that department in Wisconsin. I learned many new tasks but was very nervous about the change. Since I was in my late 50s and not confident about “starting over” in a new job, I prayed about the situation, “turning it over” to the Lord – and the Interceding Spirit prevailed on my behalf. I soon found my footing and settled into the new routine.

In 2012, the claims department, companywide, was being spun off to a subsidiary and we learned we would have to reapply for our jobs. I was 59 years old, and the thought of looking for a new job terrified me. Once again, I turned to the Lord; I prayed that I would go wherever he led me, and I placed all my faith in the guidance of the Spirit.

Long story short, I retained my job and was even able to work from home after the local office closed in 2016. I never dreamed back in 2009 that I would be able to retire when I chose to and would not be forced to leave due to a Company decision.

Prayer: Oh Lord, be with us as we face our own daily temptations. Strengthen us with the Interceding Spirit so that we may overcome these temptations and truly live the life you desire us, as Children of God, to lead.

Alice – Cohort 1: Inspire. Ignite. Invite.
Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, IN